Recruitment & Selection
Elevating the candidate journey to help secure the best matched candidate.
Struggling to attract top talent?
Our recruitment support elevates your candidate journey, landing you the perfect match faster.
Our Approach
Right Person, Right Time
Getting the right person, in the right place, at the right time is critical to successful job performance and vital to business performance.
Integrated Assessment
We work with you to develop integrated talent interview and assessment solutions to help you explore best fit.
Brand Management
Helping ensure the candidate journey and experience matches the company brand and continues as a positive on-boarding experience.
Highly Experienced Team
Our consultants have worked in industry across sectors and are well placed to understand your needs and role requirements.
Recruitment Management
Offering outsourced vacancy management to design and help facilitate the end-to-end process to maximise effective selection decisions.
Providing candidate management to support the administration and correspondence processes.
By enhancing the candidate experience, we empower informed hiring decisions
Our recruitment solutions:
- Outsourced recruitment
- Agency recruitment
Selection Assessment and Process
Working with you to design your selection process, in line with your needs and best practice.
We have extensive experience of successfully recruiting positions up to and including Chief Executive level by applying robust selection process to enhance selection of the best match based on merit.
This can include:
Job Profile Design & Criteria
Application Forms
Interview Questions
Assessment Centres or Other Selection Methods
Psychometric Tools
Panel Support
Fair Employment Monitoring
Induction & Onboarding Processes
Psychometric Testing
Psychometrics can help you predict successful job performance.
Integrating the use of psychometrics as part of your recruitment and selection process, can help offer valuable insights into the suitability of candidates.
There are two types of psychometrics:
Ability tests have a pass / fail – for example, verbal, numerical, spatial awareness, error checking etc. Our preferred testing supplier is Saville Assessments (Click here for more information and practice tests). We are also able to offer a range of tests from other test providers.
Personality assessments explore a candidate’s working style preferences and personality traits. They are not tests, as there is no right or wrong answer. For example Saville Wave.
We are licensed in the administration and interpretation and feedback across a range of psychometric tools.
Click here for further information on some of the psychometric tools available.