Unlocking Potential with the ‘Broaden-and-Build’ Theory
The ‘Broaden and Build’ Theory provides a framework for understanding how positive emotions can enhance individual and team performance, and help build resilience.
Unlocking Employee Satisfaction
Often when we try to positively impact employee satisfaction, we can sometimes tend to take a sporadic approach, trying to fix a couple of things that we think might be the problem rather than taking a whole system approach.
Understanding Everything DiSC®
Fostering workplace collaboration and self-awareness
Getting into ‘Flow’: Can You Make Your Work Feel Effortless?
How to get into ‘Flow’
How to use Push and Pull Influencing Styles for Effective Leadership
How to use Push and Pull Influencing Styles for Effective Leadership » Based on Sheppard Moscow’s Situational Influence Model You may be familiar with push and pull influencing styles, but […]
Why Successful People Adopt a Growth Mindset and Embrace Failure
Why Successful People Adopt a Growth Mindset and Embrace Failure Based on psychologist Carol Dweck’s pioneering research on mindset. Your mindset influences everything; creative risk-taking, how you view feedback or […]
How Happy People Can Make Your Business Stronger
How Happy People Can Make Your Business Stronger With talent shortages becoming a critical issue, businesses need to take action to determine how best they can retain their current talent […]