How To Support Your Employees This World Mental Health Day

World Mental Health Day was observed for the first time on 10 October 1992. It was started as an annual activity of the World Federation for Mental Health by the then Deputy Secretary General Richard Hunter. The day is officially commemorated every year on October 10th.


HR professionals have an important role to play in safeguarding employees and addressing mental health concerns. In fact, creating a psychologically safe and supportive workplace is not just the right thing to do, it's a legal business and health imperative.

Human Resources Professionals Association

Since then, raising awareness of mental health issues has come a long way. However, many people facing mental health issues may feel as though they can’t talk to their employer out of fear of being discriminated against for their illness.

CIPD’s Health and Wellbeing at Work 2021 report states that respondents to their survey remain less positive regarding the skills and confidence of managers to support and assist with mental health, despite improvements over the last few years.  Find the full report here.

It is more important now than ever to prioritise an effective health and wellbeing plan which includes mental health in the workplace as the pandemic has only exacerbated already existing pitfalls in this area of management. Our training courses can provide information on emotional intelligence, workplace wellbeing, mental toughness as well as stress and mental health in the workplace. Click here to see what training we offer.

We are also developing a health and wellbeing survey for use by our clients, which we consider to be the most effective way to monitor the wellbeing of your employees. Supported by peer-reviewed research and informed by best practice, our survey provides a comprehensive overview of areas such as employees’ emotional and physical health, their engagement with their work, their sense of meaning and accomplishment, relationships and more. Understanding employee’s health and wellbeing is the only way to improve or change their working life, which has proven benefits for both your staff and your business; we can provide the most accurate, accessible and straightforward way to make that assessment, and tailored recommendations for how to ensure you have a happy, healthy and productive workforce.

The Mental Health Foundation published a guide on how to support mental health in the workplace. This includes managing your own mental health and stress as well as tips on how to foster an open dialogue with your colleagues and employees. The guide explains that addressing wellbeing at work can increase productivity by as much as 12% while ensuring that your staff have every opportunity to thrive. Good mental health in the workplace often goes hand in hand with good management. There are lots of ways that HR managers can provide support for mental health; whether that be making reasonable adjustments for an employee to work from home instead of a busy office, managing absences and return to work or investing in management training. Even simply creating safe spaces to talk can help to build a connected culture in your workplace.

To read more about mental health services in Northern Ireland click here for a full directory. 

Contact us here for more information or to enquire about our services.